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Unveiling the Titan T1 Fibre Laser Cutter: Engineered for Precision in Worksop

Fibre lasers by mantech uk installation in worksop

The Perfect Compact Metal Cutting Solution

Hot on the heels of our earlier installation, we are thrilled to announce our second Titan installation this week. This time, it’s the T1 model, a compact metal cutting fibre laser ideal for smaller workshops, educational settings, or customers requiring a smaller cutting area of 1300*900mm.

Accurate and Safe Cutting Experience

This servo-driven, autofocus system is also equipped with laser safety-rated viewing panels, offering a highly accurate cutting experience. The unit installed in Worksop has been configured with a 1.5kW power source and will be used in an engineering capacity.

Quick Quotation

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CO2 Laser Options
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Fibre Laser Tube Options
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Bending & Folding Options
Bending & Folding Options
Fibre Welding Options
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