5 Reasons to Choose A Fibre Laser

5 reasons to choose a fibre laser
Titan T2 Fibre Laser
Titan T2 Fibre Laser Cutter

Metal Cutting Lasers

When it comes to cutting metal, fibre laser cutters are a popular choice among manufacturers and fabricators. With the latest advancements in laser cutting technology, fibre laser cutters offer numerous benefits over traditional CO2 laser cutters. In this article, we’ll explore 5 reasons why you should consider choosing a fibre laser cutter for your metal cutting needs.

1. Faster Cutting Speeds

One of the biggest advantages of fibre laser cutters is the speed at which they can cut metal. Fibre lasers use a fibre optic cable to deliver the laser beam to the cutting head, allowing for faster cutting speeds and a more precise cut. This can result in a significant increase in productivity and efficiency, as well as reduced lead times for your projects.

2. Improved Cutting Quality

Fibre laser cutters also offer improved cutting quality compared to CO2 laser cutters. The high-precision cutting beam and superior optics of a fibre laser cutter result in a smoother, cleaner cut with minimal burr or deformities. This improved cutting quality not only looks better but also reduces the need for additional finishing work, saving time and money.

3. Lower Operating Costs

Fibre laser cutters have lower operating costs compared to CO2 laser cutters. The fibre laser uses less energy and requires less maintenance, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run. Additionally, the longer lifespan of a fibre laser cutter means that you won’t need to replace it as often, further reducing your costs and saving precious cash flow.

4. Increased Flexibility

Fibre laser cutters offer increased flexibility when it comes to cutting a variety of metal materials. They can easily cut a range of metal thicknesses and types, including stainless steel, aluminium, and mild steel. This flexibility makes fibre laser cutters a versatile option for a wide range of manufacturing and fabrication projects.

5. Environmentally Friendly

Finally, fibre laser cutters are a more environmentally friendly option compared to CO2 laser cutters. They produce less waste and emit fewer fumes and particles, making them a safer choice for both the environment and your workers, although similar beat practices apply such as ensuring you have a full enclosure around your machine and use sufficient extraction processes.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, choosing a fibre laser cutter for your metal cutting needs has numerous benefits. From faster cutting speeds and improved cutting quality to lower operating costs and increased flexibility, a fibre laser cutter is a smart investment for any manufacturing or fabrication business.

Learn more about our full range of Fibre Lasers here.

Fibre Laser

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